Episode 11: The Uniqueness of Jesus Revelation of God

Get the Workbook | Facilitator Guide | Now that we have learned about what Jesus revealed to us about Himself, we turn to why this revelation is completely unique. As we proceed, you, the reader, must examine your own heart. Do you believe that agapē love is your ultimate meaning, dignity, and destiny? Are you willing to pursue that life of love with and through Jesus Christ, the Lord of unconditional love? If so, do not be surprised if you are already moved to Faith in Him.

In this episode you will learn that ...

■ Of all the world religions, the revelation of Christianity contains the fullness of truth.

■ The heart of Jesus’ message during His earthly life is that He is the Son of God, that God is unconditional love, and that He, as the Son of God is also unconditional love.

■ Jesus gives three external validations that He is unconditional love: His love of sinners and the marginalized; His miracles of healing the sick, the dead, and the possessed; and His complete self-sacrifice on the Cross for humanity.

■ Though He came to offer salvation to all mankind, it was necessary for God to become Incarnate in one particular place, time, and culture.

■ God wants to love us concretely and completely.

■ Jesus brings the revelation of God’s love to its ultimate and unconditional fulfillment by proclaiming the unconditional love of God, by defining love as agapē, and modeling for us loving action in the world.

About Fr Spitzer: Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on May 16, 1952, Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic priest in the Jesuit order and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith (magiscenter.com). The Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school programs, college courses, adult-education programs, and social media materials on the close connection among science, reason, and faith. Fr. Spitzer is also the President, Master of Ceremonies, and speaker at the Napa Institute (napa-institute.org).