Episode 12: Jesus Reveals God as Unconditional Love

Get the Workbook | Facilitator Guide | At this point in your faith life, you may have heard many times that Jesus loves you, or that God is love. “God is love” may seem a commonplace expression today, but it was a radical reframing of reality for Jesus’ first listeners. Love is not simply something God does. Love is what He is. In this chapter you will explore how Jesus’ ministry reveals this truth, and why some of the most common misconceptions about God are wrong.

In this episode you will learn that ...

■ Jesus’ revelation of agapē love as the summation of all the Law is also a revelation of the heart and core identity of God.

■ To live out agapē love is to imitate God Himself.

■ The most detailed illustration of God’s unconditionally loving nature might be found in Jesus’ Parable of the Prodigal Son.

■ Though God’s love is extended to us unconditionally, we must want it enough to accept it, enter into it, and make it our own.

■ Jesus illustrated how God’s unconditional love extends to everyone by seeking out the poor, the sick, and sinners.

■ False conceptions of God are dangerous because they close us off to Him just when we need to reach out to Him the most.

About Fr Spitzer: Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on May 16, 1952, Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic priest in the Jesuit order and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith (magiscenter.com). The Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school programs, college courses, adult-education programs, and social media materials on the close connection among science, reason, and faith. Fr. Spitzer is also the President, Master of Ceremonies, and speaker at the Napa Institute (napa-institute.org).