Get the Workbook | Facilitator Guide | If you take a moment to think about all the choices you make in life, from what to have for breakfast to charting a course to achieve your long-term goals, you will notice that everything you want to do is because you believe it will make you happy. So, what makes you happy? A good meal? Winning a game? Getting more likes, views, and upvotes? Making the top 10% of your class and getting into the best colleges? Each of these examples are good. But is there anything beyond these forms of happiness, a form of happiness which could be more pervasive, enduring, deep?
In this episode you will learn that ...
■ There are four major kinds of desire: the desire for sensual pleasure, the desire to get ahead over others, the desire to help others, and the desire for the transcendent.
■ When our desires are satisfied, we feel corresponding levels of happiness.
■ Sensual pleasure is fleeting, and a focus only on ego-comparative desires traps us in a comparison game.
■ The human capacity for empathy and conscience forms the basis for contributive-empathetic desires and the happiness we feel when we make a positive difference to someone or something beyond ourselves.
■ Even if we live a completely contributive-empathetic life, we will still experience a desire for the transcendental.
■ Our four fundamental desires exist in us, whether we acknowledge them or not. It is important to let the higher levels take a lead role in our lives and keep the lower levels in their proper place, as a means to the end of a fully lived life.
About Fr Spitzer: Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on May 16, 1952, Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic priest in the Jesuit order and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith ( The Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school programs, college courses, adult-education programs, and social media materials on the close connection among science, reason, and faith. Fr. Spitzer is also the President, Master of Ceremonies, and speaker at the Napa Institute (