Get the Workbook | Facilitator Guide | Were Jesus’ miracles actual historical events? Or are they just made-up stories designed to amaze the gullible masses? Far from being a sideshow, Jesus’ miracles were quite central to His earthly mission. They always had a clear purpose—to deliver people from suffering and evil, and to introduce God’s Kingdom. In this chapter we will examine the historical evidence for Jesus’ miracles. As with the Resurrection, the evidence is more extensive than you might first think.
In this episode you will learn that ...
■ Jesus’ miracles were central to His earthly mission of initiating God’s Kingdom in the world.
■ Jesus performed His miracles by His own authority, revealing His divinity.
■ Jesus’ miracles not only showed His glory, but they also delivered people from suffering and evil, and actualized the coming of the Kingdom of God.
■ After Jesus’ Ascension, His Apostles continued to heal and perform miracles in His name through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
■ The various visible gifts of the Spirit experienced in the life of the early Church were not an end in themselves, but a gratuitous gift from God meant to inspire deep conversion of heart and lead people to embrace the interior gifts of the Spirit.
About Fr Spitzer: Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on May 16, 1952, Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic priest in the Jesuit order and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith ( The Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school programs, college courses, adult-education programs, and social media materials on the close connection among science, reason, and faith. Fr. Spitzer is also the President, Master of Ceremonies, and speaker at the Napa Institute (