MEN: STOP SETTLING FOR A LIFE THAT FEELS "FINE". Fr. Robert Spitzer joined Heroic Men to talk about why you feel like you're doing “everything right” but still feel stuck. He breaks down the lies about happiness and gives us a step-by-step framework to build a life of real purpose, lasting joy, and unstoppable impact.
Thanks to a special donor A1 Storage, 1000 copies of this book "The 4 Levels of Happiness" is available for a limited time. Heroic Men has made it easy to buy a single copy for yourself from our store, or even get 10 for your men's group (NO COST - just cover shipping)! Get your copy while stocks last!
HAPPINESS: THE SERIES by Fr Robert Spitzer - Watch now on Heroic Men
ABOUT FR SPITZER: Fr. Spitzer is founder and currently active as president of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing educational materials on the complementarity of science, philosophy, and faith. He is also president of the Spitzer Center of Ethical Leadership, dedicated to helping Catholic and for-profit organizations develop leadership, constructive cultures, and virtue ethics.