We fight so hard to seek fulfillment in our lives. We pursue careers, money, fame, accolades and so many other activities that leave us empty. The reality is that there is one thing in our lives that we just can't replace, one thing that completes us in a way that nothing else will. That irreplaceable thing is God.
Why is God irreplaceable? Because God loves you in ways that even your spouse can't love you. God knows you better than anyone else, He knows your strengths and He knows your weaknesses. All of the things we hide from others, God knows them. He is the only one who completely and totally understands the person you are and still He loves you.
He loves you so greatly that He took all of your faults, all of your brokenness, and He claimed them as His own. He allowed Himself to be condemned beaten and killed so that you could see there isn't anything that He wouldn't do for you. God fulfills us because He is the one person that will never abandon you no matter what you do or who you are. All you have to do is claim Him the way He claims you.