Fatherhood: Session 4 - The Transformation of a Culture
In Session 3, we saw that Don Bosco developed a system of parenting that was almost “fool proof.” How are we doing? The majority of children under the age of 18 grow up in a home without their biological father. Fathers spend less than 5 minutes in conversation with their children during the most formative years. Have you ever heard the personal story of Mickey Mantle? What if men chose a different path? What if we truly became “men after God’s own heart?” Then we would transform our children and our children would transform the world. In what ways are you forming your children for success in the spiritual life? Will you bring That Man is You! to your parish to touch countless lives? To start a TMIY program at your local parish or to find one in your area: Go to www.thatmanisyou.org or contact us at info@paradisusdei.org.