With Mike MacDonald, Mission Mexico http://missionmexico.com/
Forget James Bond’s “shaken not stirred”. Mike MacDonald takes us from Scotland, to Nova Scotia, to Alberta,to Mexico, to the jungles of El Salvador. This story calls for the best of libations; so Sean pours himself an 18 year old Scotch whilst our guest has some Columbian rum.
Nothing like any sheep stealer, this man once considered the priesthood, but now has laid his life down to do God’s work and responded to the invitations God placed in front of him. Come and see how a school trip with his students transformed his life and turned him into a missionary. Tired of talking the talk, this man walks the walk. His covert operation in El Salvador, although only for a few months, has the makings of the best of spy novels.
But what makes this man’s story so extraordinary, is not the life he risks, but the life he has given up to our Lord and to the people he loves, the poorest of the poor in Mexico. Learn how answering God’s call has truly blessed this man.
#GodSquad # CatholicYYC #MissionMexico