A Dram with Peter Stockland

Peter Stockland, Montreal Québec Canada

Joining us in the Pub all the way from Montréal, Québec is Peter Stockland who would have nothing better than a good Irish Catholic Whiskey, Jameson.   Having been in a pub in Belfast, that was the only thing they served.  Sean agrees that Jameson is in order and pours himself a dram of the Black Barrel.

Did you know that the Irish take their Church bells seriously but their water of life even more.  In the 19th Century St. Malachy’s Church in Belfast had the largest bell in Belfast that when it rang the whole land shook and trembled.  So much so that the vibration disturbed the whiskey in the nearby distillery.  So they took the bell down.  Whiskey, the water of life.

Many may have asked who is Peter Stockland, we know him as a man of faith in a world that is so totally dismissive of it that it is a wonder that the waters of faith ebb so deeply within him.  Hear about the insane world view held in journalism and how we are called to face obstacles like men.  Peter shows us the glory in the Church’s present day suffering and how we need to discipline ourselves to see the face of our suffering God in others.