A Dram with Fr Larry Richards

Father Larry Richards, St. Joseph’s Parish Erie Pennsylvania


Father Larry Richards challenges men to live as Jesus did, meek and humble, with a heart of service; willing to pour themselves out for their wives, families, and communities under the patronage of Saint Joseph. Hear how he was converted by Billy Graham at the age of 17 and wanted to be the Billy Graham of the Catholic Church. His message is not just a suggestion of how to try to be courageous men of God, but rather a statement that challenges men to do the will of God to have eternal life, or go to Hell! His mission has been to build up the Church through men’s ministry and began “The Reason for Our Hope Foundation.” More information here: https://thereasonforourhope.org/ He is on the board of the Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance under the banner of Heroic Men whose goal is to offer mentorship and shelter from the temptations of life all across North America. He has also written two books, the first entitled: “Be A Man!” published by Ignatius Press and, “Surrender!, The Life Changing Power of Doing God’s Will” published by Our Sunday Visitor. Hear more about this engaging man who lives exactly what he preaches.