A Suffering God | The Creed (Pt. 8) | DM
In this episode continuing our series on The Creed, David and Mario set up the coming discussions on the articles pertaining to the passion and death of Jesus. They ponder the questions: Why focus so much on the passion of Jesus if the Gospels and The Creed treat it in a very cursory way? Why does Pontius Pilate's name make its way into The Creed? How is it that God - Who is perfect, perfectly happy in Himself, and cannot change - could ever "suffer"? They also look at an early heresy that attempted to split Jesus' humanity from His divinity, the Church's answer to which offers insight into how Mary can be called the Mother of God and how God can be said to suffer.
Host: Mario Costabile
Cohost: Dr. David Hajduk
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