Behold Your Mother w/ Carrie Gress

Episode 15 “Behold Your Mother” features Carrie Gress as we discuss Mary’s part in our redemption and her role in the life of Christians, as well as the Catholic reasoning for Total Consecration to Mary and entrusting ourselves to her maternal care.

Guest Info:

  • Carrie Gress — Carrie has a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America. She is the editor at the online women’s magazine Theology of Home. She has written for an array of publications (Aleteia, Catholic Vote, The Federalist), is a frequent guest on radio (Ave Maria Radio, EWTN Radio, Relevant Radio) and has appeared on a number of news networks (Fox, BBC, EWTN). Carrie is a mother of “five little people, chasing wonder, beauty, sanctity, and sleep (not necessarily in that order).”

Host: Mario Costabile
Cohost: Dr. David Hajduk

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