Catholic Dating in an 'It's Complicated' World w/ Sarah Swafford

Episode 18 “Catholic Dating in an ‘It’s Complicated’ World” features Sarah Swafford as we discuss how to navigate relationships of virtue in a world where unchastity is the rule and social media a reality. By putting our relationship with Christ first, and accepting the truth about who we are to Him as well as His plan for life and love, we can find the strength, patience, and grace we need to make our dreams of real love come true!

Guest Info:

  • Sarah Swafford — Sarah is the author of Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships. She has appeared on EWTN’s Life of the Rock, EWTN Live, and has also been featured in the National Catholic Register. She is a contributor to Chosen, Ascension Press’s Confirmation program, and YDisciples' True Beauty. She’s also contributed to videos for Women Made New, and she’s a proud member of The Chastity Project and speaks at the Steubenville Youth Conferences in the U.S. and Canada.

Host: Mario Costabile
Cohost: Dr. David Hajduk

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