Know Your (Catholic) History with Karl Keating: In this episode we hear from Karl Keating, internationally known Catholic apologist and author, and founder of Catholic Answers. We discuss the importance of knowing Catholic history to make a case for the truth of Catholicism, to debunk historically inaccurate accounts of events typically used to discredit the Church, and to contextualize the current crisis in the Church and the world. We also learn a bit about other plans Karl has for his retirement years, which includes a book series on backpacking and hiking!
About Karl Keating
Karl Keating is founder and senior fellow at Catholic Answers. He is the author of seven books, including his most recent, The New Geocentrists and The Ultimate Catholic Quiz. His books Catholicism and Fundamentalism and What Catholics Really Believe have been national best sellers.
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Host: Mario Costabile
Cohost: Dr. David Hajduk
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