Loved As I Am: In this episode, our conversation is with Sister Miriam James Heidland, SOLT - popular speaker and religious sister of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. Sister Miriam is known for her powerful witness and profound wisdom. She can be found speaking internationally at conferences and retreats, working with the John Paul II Healing Center, and co-hosting the popular podcast Abiding Together. We discuss how God delights in bringing us to wholeness, how shame often moves us to believe the lies that we are worthless and unlovable, and how God desires to begin a lifelong process of healing and restoration with us so we can live life fully and in freedom. Finally, we will look at how common religious phrases like "God loves you just the way you are'' and "God meets you where you're at" should be properly understood.
About Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT
Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, is a popular Catholic speaker, cohost of the Abiding Together podcast, and the author of the bestselling book Loved as I Am.
A former Division I athlete who had a radical conversion and joined the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity in 1998, Heidland has shared her story on EWTN’s The Journey Home, at numerous SEEK and Steubenville conferences, and at the USCCB’s Convocation of Catholic Leaders.
In addition to speaking, Heidland has served in parish ministry and as the director of novices for her SOLT community. She also has served as an assistant to both her provincial and general superiors.
Heidland earned a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute and speaks extensively on the topics of conversion, authentic love, forgiveness, and healing.
Purchase Sr. Miriam's latest book Restore: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation at Ave Maria Press.
Host: Mario Costabile
Cohost: Dr. David Hajduk
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