Michael Hoffman is an exceptional motivational speaker and audience igniter and his clients bring him back repeatedly to Ignite Performance and Ignite a Culture of Progress.
As President of Igniting Performance, Michael's extensive background in the people side of business, the psychology of team dynamics, and one-on-one interactions provide a unique platform for the skill sets of influence that EVERY person needs to be successful. Thousands of people have benefited from Michael's messages from his programs Secrets of the 1%er's and Mastering the Tornado Series.
Over the last decade, Michael’s talks have continued to include the same principles but have become more faith-forward.
When asked for speakers that inspired Michael’s career, he immediately went to Leo Buscaglia. Paul talked about Zig Ziglar and Jason Evert, and Nick mentioned Kevin Carroll’s talk on the red rubber ball.
On Blessed are the Joke Makers, the Dudes embody “the boss” to address the prompt, “I’m a bad Catholic because of…”
Michael reflects on his speaking career and his joy when sharing the stage with his daughter Ally.
On the TBD question of the day, Michael and Dudes each answer the question, “What app or resource do you use to assist in your spiritual journey?”
On Reverse Simpsons, the dudes must attempt new lyrics to The BeatiDudes theme song.
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