Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers – known around the world as the “Dynamic Deacon” – is one of the most sought-after speakers in the Church today. He is a powerful and passionate evangelist and preacher whose no-nonsense approach to living and proclaiming the Catholic faith will challenge and inspire those who hear him.
During this episode, Deacon Harold shares the journey of his pathway to becoming a permanent Deacon and a Benedictine Oblate of Mount Angel Abbey. Deacon’s true-life adventure story inspires all who hear it with moments of love, docility to the Holy Spirit, humor, and masculinity.
“Reverse Simpsons” for this episode is a lightning round of pastoral parenting questions for Deacon Harold, during which he doesn’t skip a beat.
In addition to appearing on The BeatiDudes, Deacon Harold also travels across the United States and around the world, speaking to everyone who desires to know Jesus intimately and enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Him. His areas of expertise include marriage and family life, discerning the will of God, the sacraments, male spirituality, evangelization, prayer, and many others.
Deacon Harold holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Theological Studies Degree from the University of Dallas. He co-hosts the national weekly broadcast “Living Stones” on Mater Dei Radio. Deacon Harold has appeared in the major feature film Power in My Hands and is the creator of Walk by Faith Wednesday Webinars, a weekly hour of Catholic catechesis and teaching.
In addition, he is the host or co-host of several popular series on EWTN television and is featured on the renowned Chosen faith formation program by Ascension Press. Deacon Harold is an award-winning author who has written six books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality, Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African-American Priest, and the acclaimed new book Building a Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to Racism.
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