The SPIRITUALITY OF SPORTS | Adjunct Theology Professor, Steve Kass | Episode #041

Steve Kass has a diverse professional career that includes 14 years of service as a distinguished Naval Officer, a nuclear submarine design engineer, and work as a university administrator, in addition to nearly 20 years of experience in the deregulated energy industry. Steve has a master’s degree in Systematic Theology from Seton Hall University, a master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina State University, and a bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Rochester in New York.

In addition to his work at the national energy advisory firm 5, Steve is an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Seton Hall University and serves his community as a member of his church’s parish council and as the Vice Chairman of the Board for Chilton Medical Center in New Jersey.

The show starts with Steve sharing his experiences in the Navy as an auxiliary officer on a destroyer before joining a tour with an airborne marine corps unit. After his time in the Navy, Steve built submarines for Electric Boat as a nuclear submarine design engineer.

On Blessed are the Joke Makers, the Dudes must take on the persona of a rebellious teenager to answer the prompt, “a lesser-known Bible story is about ____.”

In his role as an adjunct professor, Steve teaches a fascinating class at Seton Hall called Sports & Spirituality. This class starts with an understanding of the human person and then explores how sports and spirituality both require discipline, fortitude, and forgiveness.

TBD Question – What is something you wish you could do or know at a mastery level, but you are only a novice at this point?

Reverse Simpsons – Steve leads the Dudes through a quiz full of twists and turns, including sections on feast days, BeatiDuderonomy, and a reverse spelling bee.

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