Philip Ryall is the founder of Harvest Journeys and an incredible BeatiDudes guest from down under. On this bonus show, Philip shares the journey of his childhood, including the time at 13 years old when he had a profound encounter with Christ during a horseback riding camp. That experience led Philip to become a young writer sharing his love of God with classmates. While he didn’t have a vocation to the priesthood, he clearly knew that he had a calling to share the Gospel through all his gifts, especially through pilgrimage.
For over 30 years, Harvest Journeys has been singularly devoted to faith-based travel. They are 100% dedicated to Catholic pilgrimage and providing every traveler with the greatest opportunities to reap the abundant fruit that pilgrimage provides.
Every pilgrim group is accompanied by a Catholic who helps to connect the external physical journey with the interior faith journey by providing opportunities for spiritual guidance, scripture, prayer, and reflection at holy sites and access to the Sacraments.
On Blessed are the Joke Makers Bonus Edition, each of the Dudes must take on a different persona to address the prompt, “I am guilty of ______.”
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