Dan Donaldson has a passion for strengthening men in faith, virtue, and character and the professional acumen to transform this passion into reality. He serves as the Vice President for the Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance with previous experience working as an executive for Real Life Catholic and the Augustine Institute.
The Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance exists to help Catholic men in every diocese claim, discover, or rediscover a relationship with Jesus Christ. They help men live out their Catholic faith with integrity, servant leadership, and boldness in their marriages, families, parishes, and local communities.
Their mission is to equip Catholic clergy and lay leaders to better evangelize and disciple Catholic men to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Strengthen the man, strengthen the family.
Strengthen the family, strengthen the Church.
Strengthen the Church, transform the culture.
On Blessed are the Joke Makers, the Dudes must take on the persona of a Grandma to address the prompt, “What did I bring back from Rome?”
On the TBD Question (The BeatiDudes Question), Dan and the Dudes answer the question, “What was your experience during St. Michael’s Lent (the 40 days leading up to this recording), and what was God teaching you throughout the process?”
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