Why a Latter-Day Saint Swam Upstream Into Catholicism | Guest Deacon Gene Fadness
1h 21m

In the first installment, Deacon Gene Fadness describes his journey from the LDS (Mormon) Church to the edge of Protestantism.   #Mormon #LatterDaySaint #JesusChrist #Convert #Protestant #Testimony #Grace #EternalProgression #ChristianDoctrine #HolyTrinity

In the second installment, Deacon Gene Fadness swims upstream (1517 to 33 AD) with a little help from his family.   #PreReformation #EarlyChurchFathers #CardinalNewman #Cursillo #Diaconate #LossOfFaith #Evangelical #HolyEucharist #RomanCatholicChurch #LayApologetics

For more info, visit www.eddietrask.com