A Cradle Catholic Testimony (w/ guest Joannie Watson)

In this week's episode of Catholic Re.Con, guest Joannie Watson (joanmwatson.com) shares a profound experience in 2005, then we discuss some past and current Church issues and solutions. 

#Testimony #Vatican #Parish #Catholic #CatholicSpeaker #Truth #Apologetics #MartinLuther #Infallible #2005 #Pope #Love #Charity #Impeccable #Magisterium  

When I Am the Church: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2016/01/watson-when-i-am-the-church/

Are we Listening?: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2022/04/watson-are-we-listening/

All Joannie's Integrated Catholic Life posts can be found here: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/category/features/between-the-sundays/

website: Joanmwatson.com

newsletter/sign up for emails: joanmwatson.substack.com

Instagram: @joan.m.watson

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/joanwatson

Facebook: @joaninordinarytime


If you'd like to share your testimony on Catholic Re.Con., please fill out the form here: https://bit.ly/3bdE6pr
