Radical Obedience in Pursuit of the Holy Eucharist

In this week's episode of Catholic Re.Con., guest Trace Chamberlain of Iron Sharpens Iron exhibits a deep hunger for the Holy Eucharist in the midst of a delay. 


#Catholic #Eucharist #Protestant #Baptist #Sincerity #Heart #Love #CatholicChurch #RCIA #YouTube #IronSharpensIron #Obedience #Patience #TLM

Trace's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAI27ZnbSUTrx2ktU8WRYeQ

If you'd like to share your personal testimony, please fill out the form here: https://bit.ly/3bdE6pr

Wherever you are on the journey, God bless you. 

For more information, visit eddietrask.com.