A Catholic Gentleman and Air Force Brat Precisely Recalls Life Lessons and God's Unending Grace | Guest Corey Newell
1h 14m

In this week's episode of Catholic Re.Con., guest Corey Newell of the Knights of Columbus details his life, urging viewers to be honest, be ready to make friends quickly, and be willing to offer peace to strangers.

#KnightsofColumbus #CatholicGentleman #Jesus #ChurchofChrist #Memory #McDonalds #Empathy #Volunteer #Divorce #Annulment #CatholicReversion #CatholicChurch #MilitaryBrat #Airforce #Homemade

If you or anyone you know would like to share your testimony on Catholic Re.Con., please fill out the form here: https://bit.ly/3bdE6pr

My book, Confession All, is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3hI3frL
