Episode 12 - Jesus calls the Apostles and they immediately follow Him - Sunday Mass Prep - January 22, 2023 - Mt 4:12-23

This is the Every Catholic Man Gospel Devotional, where a man can draw closer to Jesus Christ, learn the Catholic faith and grow in happiness by becoming a better Catholic Son and Catholic Father

Today we hear hear about the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus Christ in Galilee and how Jesus fulfills ancient prophecy as the Messiah and we will hear about how the first disciples of the Divine King and Greatest Leader immediately leave everything to follow Jesus. 

We’ll reflect upon need for every Catholic man to pursue the Virtue of Prudence so he can repent and engage in the Spiritual Combat.

We’ll also consider the importance for every Catholic man to grow in the Virtue of Magnificence so he can take up the great work of Jesus Christ on earth.