Episode 43 - Solemnity of St. Joseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary - March 20, 2023 - Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24A
This is the Every Catholic Man Gospel Devotional, where a man can draw closer to Jesus Christ, learn the Catholic faith and grow in happiness by becoming a better Catholic Son and Catholic Father
Today we give thanks for the Feast of St. Joseph and recall and venerate the heroic virtue and headship of St. Joseph, the man God chose to be the earthly father of Jesus Christ.
We’ll reflect upon need for every Catholic man to build the Virtue of Piety so he can honor, imitate and seek the help of St. Joseph, the patron of fathers and families.
We’ll also consider the urgent need for every Catholic man to take up his God-given purpose to be the sacrificial leader of his family and grow in the Virtue of Duty.