Episode 46 - Jesus vigorously defends Himself against the attacks of the Jews in Jerusalem - Thursday March 23, 2023 - Jn 5:31-47

This is the Every Catholic Man Gospel Devotional, where a man can draw closer to Jesus Christ, learn the Catholic faith and grow in happiness by becoming a better Catholic Son and Catholic Father

Today we hear Jesus give His compelling testimony about His Almighty Father and His own Divinity and His condemnation of the lack of faith and holiness of those who are trying to kill Him. 

We’ll reflect upon need for every Catholic man to seek the Fruites of Love, Kindness, Gentleness and Generosity from the Holy Spirit so he can grow in Charity.

We’ll also consider the importance for every Catholic man to grow in the Virtue of Magnificence so he can perform magnificent works of mercy as a son of the Father.

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