Episode 63 - Jesus rises from the dead in the Resurrection and appears to Mary Magdalene and another woman - Saturday April 8, 2022 - Easter Vigil - Mt 28:1-10

Jesus rises from the dead in the Resurrection and appears to Mary Magdalene and another woman. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit so he can live in the startling truth of the Resurrection and by building the Virtue of Hope so he can reject despair and look forward to his own glorified body. 

This is the Every Catholic Man Gospel Devotional, where a man can draw closer to Jesus Christ, learn the Catholic faith and grow in happiness by becoming a better Catholic Son and Catholic Father

Today we witness how Jesus rises from the dead in the Resurrection and appears to Mary Magdalene and another woman.

We’ll reflect upon need for every Catholic man to seek the Gift of Wisdom from the Holy Spirit so he can live in the startling truth of the Resurrection. 

We’ll also consider the importance for every Catholic man to build the Virtue of Hope so he can reject despair and look forward to his own glorified body. 

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