Carlos Briceño | Baptizing Media & Social Influence

Carlos is a journalist, editor and multimedia storyteller with experience in video, audio and photography.

Quotes from the show:

"The present moment is always full of infinite treasure. It contains far more than you can possibly grasp. Faith is the measure of its riches: what you find in the present moment is according to the measure of your faith. Love also is the measure: the more the heart loves, the more it rejoices in what God provides. The will of God presents itself at each moment like an immense ocean that the desire of your heart cannot empty; yet you will drink from that ocean according to your faith and love."

Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade

“Suffering that is not transformed is transmitted.” 

Sister Miriam James Heidland

"God cannot give Himself to us unless our hands are empty to receive Him. The deepest reason why so few of us are saints is because we will not let God love us. To be loved means a naked, defenseless surrender to all God is. It means a glad acceptance of our nothingness, a look fixed only on the God who gives, taking no account of the nothing to whom the gift is made.”

Sister Ruth Burrows, a Carmelite in the monastery at Quidenham in Norfolk, England 

Carlos' Ministries:

Catholic Influencers:



Sacrament of the Present Moment:

Guardians of Beauty podcast:

Living the CALL is brought to you by the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders.

The Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL) Los Angeles Chapter is fundraising to help families in need of tuition assistance at the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. To donate from your phone text Faithful to 71777 or you can go to our website:

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Podcast produced by Juan Diego Network