21 ways to have a leisurely summer

What is leisure and how do we properly cultivate a life of leisure this summer?

We give 21 ways to have a leisurely summer:

    1. Smoking meat
    2. Playing music
    3. Gardening/eating fresh produce
    4. Watering the Garden
    5. Fishing
    6. Stargazing
    7. Perfect a cocktail
    8. Throw a block party
    9. Play a round of golf with friends/bowling
    10. Memorize poetry
    11. Sharpening knives
    12. Do a puzzle
    13. Take a walk
    14. Smoke a pipe
    15. Write a letter/call a friend
    16. Read a classic book
    17. Split firewood
    18. Go to a baseball game
    19. Nap in a hammock
    20. Play a board/card game
    21. Sketch

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Living Beyond Sunday: Making Your Home a Holy Place

Our new book is available for pre-order from Ascension Press! “I love this book. It provides wise counsel with beautiful simplicity. So, if you are looking to safeguard your family life from the wiles of the enemy and encourage your spouse and children to become the saints God is calling them to be, this is a book for you.” – Fr Gregory Pine Home life can be difficult and busy, and it’s easy to get distracted from the point of it all: raising a family of saints. In Living Beyond Sunday: Making Your Home a Holy Place, two married couples share what has helped them make their homes a place of encounter with God–a place where saints are being made.

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