Peace with Broken Arrow Brewing Co – Episode 141

Peace and Broken Arrow Brewing Company

Special Guests: Fr. Sean O’Brien and Austin Ferguson from Broken Arrow Brewing Co.

Thank you to St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Broken Arrow for inviting us to record for their “Theology UnHinged”. If you have a men’s group coming up and would like us to be there, email us.

About the beer – Fr. Dominic Belgian Quad 9% ABV

In 1875 Father Dominic, a Belgian Monk, would travel to Indian Territory with the Saint Benedictine Monks from France. He would become the first brewmeister in the territory. This Abbey Quad in strict obedience, gives reverence to Father Dominic. His fermented drinks were enjoyed by the local Native Americans and many of the early boomers. This is a dark Belgian style Quad that is beautifully complex with hints of molasses, prairie fruits, and Belgian Candi. It is a heavenly smooth and delightful elixir that is dangerously drinkable.

St. Thomas Aquinas on whether peace is the same as concord:

Peace includes concord and adds something thereto. Hence wherever peace is, there is concord, but there is not peace, wherever there is concord, if we give peace its proper meaning.

St. Thomas in Question 29 speaks on the topic of peace:

  1. Is peace the same as concord?
  2. Do all things desire peace?
  3. Is peace an effect of charity?
  4. Is peace a virtue?

If this is your first time listening to The Catholic Man Show, we do 3 things every episode:

1.) Open, review, and enjoy a man beverage – Minutes 1-12.

2.) Highlight a man gear – Minutes 12-24.

3.) Have a manly conversation – Minutes 24-48.

DRINK: Broken Arrow Brewing – Father Dominic

GEAR: Nativity Scene

TOPIC: Peace

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