Home Altars and Living the Virtuous Life

Home Altars and Living the Virtuous Life

This episode is sponsored by The Liturgical InstituteLike the shows where we have guests in studio? Join us on Patreon, so we can continue! 100% of the support we receive goes back into the show.

About our drink:

Since 2002, the Balvenie distillers have dedicated one week a year to distilling whisky with 100% peated barley, resulting in the Peat Week bottlings! This is the second release in the series – a 14 year old single malt distilled in 2003, showing off hearty helping of rich smoke. (Source: Master of Malt)

About the gear:

A home altar. We talk about how having a sacred space, specifically a prayer alter, in your house helps you to live liturgically and implement the beauties of our faith within the home.

Here are a couple of examples:

This is in the Minihan living room.

This is in the Niles upstairs landing

About our topic:

David has been reading a look from Dr. John Cuddeback, in preparation for him coming to Tulsa in June, and wanted to discuss a couple of questions that came from the book, mainly, “Why live the virtuous life?”.

Drinking: Balvenie Peat Week 2003

Gear: Home Altars

Discussing why live the virtuous life


If this is your first time listening to The Catholic Man Show, we do 3 things almost every episode:


1.) Open, review, and enjoy a man beverage – Minutes 1-12.

2.) Highlight a man gear – Minutes 12-24.

3.) Have a manly conversation – Minutes 24-48.

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