Requesting a favor

We need your help

Our annual Catholic radio fundraiser is coming up and we are hoping to put together a video montage of people who have found The Catholic Man Show to be helpful in their lives, the lives of friends, and/or the lives of family members and play the video at our fundraiser to show how Catholic media, particularly Catholic radio, can impact people. This is where the request comes into play. We would like you to send us a 15-20 second video and tell us how TCMS has impacted your life.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Turn your smartphone horizontal, then hit video record.
  2. Introduce yourself and where you are from.
  3. And tell us in a couple sentences how TCMS has made an impact in your life.
  4. Save the video and send it to before Friday, November 22nd, 2019.

That’s it!

I know these type of requests can be annoying or inconvenient, but it truly helps us continue growing and gaining the support we need to make high-quality Catholic media.

We appreciate your willingness to help us.

We are on the Lord’s team. The winning side. So raise your glass. 

Cheers to Jesus,

Adam and David

If you would like to take your support to the next level and help support us financially, you can do so by becoming a patron. Click the button below:

Become a Patron!