Tepidity does so much damage to the soul. What are some signs of tepidity?
In this episode, we discuss:
Those who are tepid:
- Have a horror only of mortal sin, and think very little of venial sin
- Perform the spiritual exercises negligently
- Prays without attention
- Confess without amendment
- Receives communion without devotion and fruit
- Perform their daily actions without a proper intention, without method or order
- Being intent on exterior things, give less their thoughts to God
- Content with mediocrity
- Neglect the pursuit of a higher virtue
- Avoid those who aim at perfection and eagerly seek the company of those who lead a life of greater laxity
- Who form a conscience of their own, by false principles
Dangers that invariably accompany tepidity
- Falling into mortal sin. The tepid live in a state of continual imperfection, commit venial sins without remorse, and but seldom consider the malice of sin, and the motives which should prompt them to refrain from the commission thereof.
- That a tepid soul is on the point of being casts away, with disguise, by the Almighty God.
- Lukewarmness
- The Risk of not dying a pious death.
Remedies to banish tepidity:
It is very hard to cure tepidity. The greatest sinners are often awakened from their death slumber by merely looking upon the crucifix and reflecting upon the Last Judgement.
- A fervent meditation to be performed every morning
- Pious and attentive spiritual reading every day
- A daily examination of conscience joined with the particular examen
- A short recollection, for at least half an hour every month
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