Complete Generosity
On today’s podcast, we welcome back Deacon Jeff Drzycimski for a discussion of the virtue of generosity. When I came back to Christ after a life of addiction, God opened my eyes to the many graces He was giving me even while I was still in prison. But I quickly realized that He was calling me to share these blessings with my family, friends, and neighbors. In this episode, we’ll learn that… - God doesn’t want us to hoard His gifts. Learn how to share the joy you’ve been given! - We often think of generosity solely in terms of money, but there are also many other ways to give. - It can be easy to take our family for granted. Learn tips for how to show appreciation for those people you see every day. Ready to learn how to share the joy of Christ with those around you? Take a seat in the pew and join us! NEW! The Narrow Road I've created a brand new resource for guys called "The Narrow Road." It's a monthly booklet and accompanying videos to help guys live a life of virtue and holiness. Read all about it here: DOWNLOADS Get a copy of my new eBook, "12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus"! SUPPORT Support me on Patreon. Your monthly gift, no matter the size, will help me grow "Just a Guy in the Pew" and reach more men who need the message of Jesus in their life. When you become a Patron, you also get awesome swag and exclusive content. Check it out here: