Lenten Series - Your Whole Heart Pt. 7 Pride
A Blessed Holy Week to you. Join John and Victor as we conclude the Lenten journey with the 7th Deadly Sin: Pride, the root of all sin. "In that sin man preferred himself to God...He chose himself over and against God, against the requirements of his creaturely status and therefore against his own good" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 398). How do we return to God? Humility. "Humility is truth or the recognition of gifts as gifts, faults as faults. Humility is dependence on God, as pride is independence of Him" (Archbishop Fulton Sheen). This is the way. This is the remedy. Scripture passages to pray with: - Proverbs 11:2 -James 4:6 -Philippians 2:3 -John 15:5 In this episode: -"Pride is an inordinate love of one's own excellence, either of body or mind or the unlawful pleasure we derive from thinking we have no superiors." ~Archbishop Fulton Sheen -The key to offset pride is humility and surrender to God BECOME A PARTNER IN THE PEW! www.donorbox.org/pew START A MEN'S GROUP IN YOUR PARISH! www.justaguyinthepew.com JOIN US IN ITALY! rb.gy/ue800 DOWNLOADS Get a copy of my new eBook, “12 Ways Guys Can Get Closer to Jesus”! JUSTAGUYINTHEPEW.COM/EBOOK