205: God and Atheism

This is a special two-part episode of Pints with Aquinas.

Part 1: I discuss 10 things that people miss about what Aquinas has to say about God and Atheism.

Part 2: I read from a short story I wrote about a Christian and an Atheist, titled "A Shuttered Universe," in which the Christian becomes and Atheist, and the Atheist becomes a Christian and their correspondence back and forth.

Questions/comments about the story? https://www.patreon.com/posts/36986185

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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mattfradd

This show (and all the plans we have in store) wouldn't be possible without you. I can't thank those of you who support me enough. Seriously! Thanks for essentially being a co-producer coproducer of the show.


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Does God Exist: https://www.amazon.com/Does-God-Exist...

Marian Consecration With Aquinas: https://www.amazon.com/Marian-Consecr...

The Porn Myth: https://www.ignatius.com/The-Porn-Myt...


Book me to speak: https://www.mattfradd.com/speakerrequ...

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