3 Months w/ NO Smart Phone! (How It's Been)

Wisephone: https://techless.com/ ... use promo code FRADD at checkout for $40 off.


Hallow: http://hallow.app/mattfradd

Ethos Logos Investments: https://www.elinvestments.net/pints

STRIVE: https://www.strive21.com/


Patreon or Directly: https://pintswithaquinas.com/support/

This show (and all the plans we have in store) wouldn't be possible without you. I can't thank those of you who support me enough. Seriously! Thanks for essentially being a co-producer co-producer of the show.


Website: https://pintswithaquinas.com/

Merch: https://www.teespring.com/stores/matt-fradd

FREE 21 Day Detox From Porn Course: https://www.strive21.com/

SOCIAL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mattfradd

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattfradd

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattfradd

Gab: https://gab.com/mattfradd 

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