WOF 037: St. Thomas Aquinas, The Theologian

We are taking the next few episodes of the show to discuss each of the great men and women featured on Word On Fire's epic new film series, Catholicism: The Pivotal Players. The focus of this episode is Saint Thomas Aquinas. Widely considered one of the greatest minds in the history of Western Civilization, Thomas angelically and definitively articulated our Catholic understanding of God in his famous Summa Theologica. Our listener question asks about Thomas' argument of God as the "unmoved mover."

*In this episode we include a limited time Word on Fire Show discount on Catholicism: The Pivotal Players with Coupon Code: DumbOx 

Click on www.PivotalPlayers.com to purchase and act now because this offer expires soon!

Topics Discussed
  • 1:30  - Bishop Barron discusses his meetings with local ministries
  • 2:47 - Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas?
  • 5:16 - Why was Saint Thomas nicknamed Dumb Ox?
  • 6:50 - What can Thomas teach us about who God is?
  • 11:16 - How does a misunderstanding of God form modern atheism?
  • 12:3o - What light does Thomas shed on who we are as humans?
  • 16:25 - What makes Thomas Aquinas a saint?
  • 18:46 - What was the most poignant part of filming Thomas' history?
  • 20:24 - What is the connection between Aquinas and Chesterton?
  • 23:30 - Listener Question: How can God be the "Unmoved Mover"?
Bonus Resources


Find bonus links and resources for this episode at http://WordOnFireShow.com and be sure to submit your questions at http://AskBishopBarron.