WOF 131: Does the Bible Still Matter?

In this episode, we discuss a recent article in GQ magazine which described the Bible as overrated, along with a new report from Barna titled State of the Bible 2017: Top Findings. We explore whether people are reading the Bible, how much they're doing it, and how we can all read the Bible better.

Topics Discussed
  • 0:04 - Introduction, Bishop's reflections on his Google talk, the Pope Francis movie
  • 5:25 - Why does GQ Magazine think the Bible is overrated?
  • 11:30 - How does Bishop Barron engage people who want to read the Bible but struggle with the task?
  • 17:00 - How can the Bible, itself, be used as an evangelical tool?
  • 21:30 - Why is the printed text of the Bible so important to people rather than the ebook version?
  • 27:30 - Question: Is the God of the Bible in contrast with the God of natural theology?
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