WOF 074: Evangelizing the Culture
"The Church exists to evangelize.” These words from Evangelii Nuntiandi express the very nature of our mission. But what is evangelization? And how ought we to express Christ in the culture around us? In this episode, Bishop Robert Barron answers these questions and offers advice on exactly how an evangelist can move into the culture and plant the seeds of Christ. Evangelizing the Culture is the second of the eight principles of the Word on Fire ethos. Finally, a listener calls in to ask how he might evangelize his lukewarm parents.
Topics Discussed- 0:17 – Intro and Bishop Barron's new award
- 2:15 - What does it mean to "evangelize the culture"?
- 6:40 - How can evangelizing the culture solve the problems of the Church and the culture?
- 11:50 - How can we see Christ in our surroundings?
- 15:24 - How do engage the culture without falling into sin?
- 18:45 - Why was Tolkien so effective at evangelizing the culture?
- 21:30 - How does the Church community (including the saints) serve evangelization?
- 23:15 - What's the proper approach for drawing the world to Christ?
- 24:38 - Question from listener: How do we re-evangelize our parents who grew up in the faith but now lack a relationship with Jesus?
- Websites
- DailyCatholicGospel.com (free daily Gospel reflections from Bishop Barron)
- Articles
- "The Trouble with the 'You Go Girl' Culture" (Bishop Barron)
- "Why Goodness Depends on God" (Bishop Barron)
- DVD's
- CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players (Word on Fire)
- CATHOLICISM series (Word On Fire)
- Faith Clips (Word On Fire)
- Videos
- Books
- Vibrant Paradoxes by Bishop Barron
- Word On Fire: Proclaiming the Power of Christ by Bishop Barron
- CATHOLICISM by Bishop Barron
- The Strangest Way by Bishop Barron
Find bonus links and resources for this episode at http://WordOnFireShow.com and, again, be sure to submit your questions at http://AskBishopBarron.