WOF 163: International Q&A w/ Bishop Barron

Bishop Barron takes listener questions from all over the world, including:

  • What are examples of popular films that convey the Gospel without being preachy or poorly produced?
  • Which beings have souls, and where do we draw the line?
  • If prayer doesn't change God's mind, then when we get what we pray for, would we have gotten it anyways?
  • How can laypeople encourage priests to do more evangelization?
  • Since there's no time in heaven, when I die, will the rest of my family already be there even if they’re not dead yet?
  • How do you defend the faith through social media when so few people are willing to engage serious arguments?
  • How can Catholic laypeople determine which Church leaders to follow and imitate?
  • Are we at a spiritual disadvantage without deep friendships in our lives? Are there any virtues of loneliness?