How to be a Heroic Man with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
1h 2m

Men today are under siege. Our faith is mocked. Our masculinity is sidelined. Brotherhood fails around us. It’s a crisis like we’ve never seen before. How do we turn it around? | Join the Heroic Alliance | Learn more!

500 years before Christ, King Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest warrior-king of the Babylonian empire rounded up and targeted the best Hebrew young men. He brainwashed their religion out of them, stripped them of their Hebrew identity, and demanded that they abandon their God - or face death.

Today, Big Tech and broken education are brainwashing our children. Our youth have been robbed of their Christian identity. We are being challenged to abandon God. In those days of Hebrew persecution, Daniel and three men of heroic virtue refused to back down. They set an example of unfailing heroism in the middle of a brutal culture siege.

What kind of men are we today? Do we know how to step up and take a stand for our faith, our families, and our future?

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers challenges men to join him live for a half hour of powerful storytelling, practical wisdom, and a roadmap to build the habits of a Heroic Man.

"Knowing that other men share my experience in this siege against my faith, my family, and my brothers, is crucial. I can connect with other men. I'm not alone. This is why Heroic Men matters! Brotherhood makes you stronger!" - Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

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